Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples 3) – 2D


Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples step by step) – 2D Draw 4

For this example I will show how a 2D line drawing in which I will use the line command, CIRCLE, TRIM.
So let’s start with the following settings.
I have defined the color line that layer.


 Finished drawing looks like.



First, draw a perpendicular bisector will be horizontal at its midpoint and perpendicular’ll draw another perpendicular bisector.
The midpoint centerline, draw a power circle diameter of 30 CIRCLE command that radius – Radius 15

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]:
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: 15 [radius circle no. 3]

Also considering that we are the two extreme circles are symmetrically of great circles on the same distance of 30 units going to draw a large circle from the middle of two auxiliary lines (which we will later delete) values of 30 and then at their ends with a circle of radius 8 units.

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]:
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <7.5000>: 8 [radius circle no. 1 and 2]

Now we have this image of the drawing.


Now we need to draw the outer parts of the line. From the center of a circle is drawn will be higher elevations of the circle with the first drawing. OSNAP button mode is turned on.

The first end of the circle 4 and 5, R = 15 and then srednju6, R = 25

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]:
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <8.0000>: 15 [radius circle no. 4]

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]:
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <15.0000>: 15 [radius circle no. 5]

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]:
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <15.0000>: 25 [radius circle no. 6]


Now using OSNAP mode (including TANGENT) will merge at a tangent circles outside of the drawings. Carefully study the figure below, turn off the other connecting point Osnap that you do not confuse.


You need to click on the button LINE and then target the outer circle of 4/6, 5/6 and when the character appears to Tangent click a mouse.


Previous action to make all four external connecting lines. After that, you need to have this drawing.


So now we need to cut off the excess line and we will use the TRIM command. Notice in the picture above, the lines to be cut, they are marked by arrows
Select the external lines that are merged circles. They will be transformed into a dashed line. Everything that you continue to be cut off cut off contact between the end points of selected lines.


Click the right mouse button or press Enter to complete the selection. Now click through the internal parts of a circle that is part of the circle that we need to be cut or trimmed.


Finally, we have a drawing as the first picture of this web site. Wipe auxiliary red lines.
NOTE:This drawing is able to draw in a different way. 

Drawing and draw half of it over the bisectors mirror MIRROR command. (either vertically or horizontally).

Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples 2) 2D


Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples step by step) – Draw 2D

For example, I will show how the line one and the same 2D drawing using the absolute and relative coordinates

In this example I will use grid with a range of SNAP-point value of 10 This drawing in case you can draw using the mouse and included fashion and OTRHO Osnap (the same I will clarify)

So let’s start with the following settings.
We define the grid and not have to, I defined in order to better understand the explanation of examples. Step (SNAP), I have defined the value of 10 because I use all the units in the hundreds (ie the distance from point to point in the network is 10 units).

I defined the color line that layer.


 Our finished drawing looks like.

First way: Draw a drawing using ORTHO mode

The first way of drawing drawings can be done by orthogonal (rectangular) drawing with the mouse. Including button ORTHO mode. So when we set the first point of shifting the cursor in the direction of drawing a line simply type the value for the length of lines and so forth again determine the direction and enter a new length, etc, etc. If we need to slash the same time we can draw by using relative coordinates. 

Command: _line Specify first point: 100,100 [defining the first point on the desktop – the absolute coordinates] 
Specify next point or [Undo]: <Ortho on> 100 [ORTHO ON button and then determined the direction of East to the right and enter the length of 100] 
Specify next point or [Undo]: 50 [determined by the direction of North and enter the length of 50] 
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ -50,50 [using the relative coordinates defined item 4] 
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 50 [determined by the direction of West and enter the length of 50] 
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 100 [determined by the direction of South and enter the length of 100] 
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: ESCAPE

Elaborated EXAMPLE

Command: _line Specify first point: 100,100 [defining the first point on the desktop – the absolute coordinates] 
Specify next point or [Undo]: <Ortho on> 100 [ORTHO ON button and then determined the direction of East to the right and enter the length of 100]


Specify next point or [Undo]: 50 [determined by the direction of North and enter the length of 50]


Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @-50,50 [using rectangular coordinates relative specific point 4]


Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 50 [determined by the direction of West and enter the length of 50]


Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 100 [determined by the direction of South and enter the length of 100]

Another way: Draw a rectangular drawing with absolute COORDINATES

The starting point is our starting point is always a UCS

Command: _line Specify first point: 100,100 [defining point 1]
Specify next point or [Undo]: 200,100 [defining point 2]
Specify next point or [Undo]: 200,150 [defining point 3]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 150,200 [defining point 4]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 100,200 [defining point 5]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 100,100 [defining point 6 ie connecting end points]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: ESC

The third way: Draw a rectangular drawing using RELATIVE COORDINATES

The starting point is always our last point where we are. We look at it from the global coordinate system and the squares and the counter clockwise direction.

Command: _line Specify first point: 100,100 [defining point with absolute coordinates 1]
Specify next point or [Undo]: @100,0 [the definition of section 2, X = 100, Y = 0, that is the direction the direction of North East 100 0]
Specify next point or [Undo]: @0,50 [defining point 3, X = 0, Y = 50 that is the direction the direction of North East 0 50]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @-50,50 [defining point 4, X =- 50, y = 50 that is the direction the direction of North West -50 50]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @-50,0 [defining point 5, X =- 50, Y = 0, that is the direction the direction of North West -50 0]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @0,-100 [defining point 6, X = 0, Y = -100 that is the direction the direction of South East 0 100]
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: ESC

The fourth way: Draw a drawing using polar RELATIVE COORDINATES

The starting point is always our last point where we are. We look at it from the global coordinate system and the squares and the counter clockwise direction.

Command: _line
Specify first point: 100, 100 [absolute coordinates, set the starting point] point 1
Specify next point or [Undo]: @100<0 [line length 100 angle 0 ° (East direction)] 1 point => point 2
Specify next point or [Undo]: @50<90 [length of 50 lines for 90 ° angle (direction North)] item 2 => Point 3
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @-50,50 [as they do not know the length of the line or go with a rectangular angle relative coordinates] item 3 => Clause 4
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @-50<0 [length of the line 50 the angle 0 ° (towards West as we go into minus)]

Item 4 => Item 5
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @100<270 [length of the line 100 angle 270 ° or -90 ° (towards South)] Item 5 => Item 1
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: ESCAPE key



Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples step by step) – 2D Draw 1

For example, I will show how the line one and the same 2D drawing using the absolute and relative coordinates

In this example I will use grid with a range of SNAP-point value of 10 This drawing in case you can draw using the mouse and included fashion and OTRHO Osnap (I will not explain to the same)

So let’s start with the following settings.
We define the grid and not have to, I defined in order to better understand the explanation of examples. Step (SNAP), I have defined the value of 10 because I use all the units in the hundreds (ie the distance from point to point in the network is 10 units).
I defined the color line that layer.


 Our finished drawing looks like.

First way: Draw a rectangular drawing with absolute COORDINATES

For “Set Current” layer I put a thick yellow line. (Note: Never paint in yellow, if you print – plot to paper white. I’m only working examples and clarity).
NOTE: When drawing with absolute coordinates starting point, it is far from the origin of UCS’s.

Point 1
The starting point is the UCS-in.
The first step to draw the click of a button on the toolbar LINE DRAW (or Draw => Line)
The first item on the desktop we will place the command in the Command Line prompt (the system of the first X then Y). So enter 100,100
Thus, we define the coordinates of the intersection of the X 100 and Y by 100 units.

Point 2
The starting point is located in the UCS.
In order to draw a line between points 1:02 a.m. need to enroll in the Command Prompt line 200,100
The first value 200 is defined by the UCS origin as the X axis in the East and the other value of 100 is defined by the Y axis of the UCS origin.

Point 3The starting point is located in the UCS.
In order to draw a line between points 2 and 3 require the typing in the Command Prompt line 200,200
The first value 200 is defined as the origin of the UCS X axis in the East and the other value of 200 is defined by the Y axis of the UCS origin.

Point 4
The starting point is located in the UCS.
In order to draw a line between points 3 and 4 should be typing in the Command Prompt line 180,200
The first value 180 is defined as the origin of the UCS X axis in the East and the other value of 200 is defined by the Y axis of the UCS origin.

Item 5The starting point is the UCS-in.
In order to draw a line between points 4 and 5 should be typing in the Command Prompt line 180,120
The first value 180 is defined as the origin of the UCS X axis in the East and the other value of 120 is defined by the Y axis of the UCS origin.

Point 6

The starting point is located in the UCS.

In order to draw a line between points 5 and 6should be typing in the Command Prompt line120, 120

The first value 120 is defined as the origin of theUCS X axis in the east and the other value of120 is defined by Y are the origin of theUCS.

Point 7The starting point is the UCS-in.
In order to draw a line between points 6 and 7 should be typing in the Command Prompt line 120,200
The first value 120 is defined as the origin of the UCS X axis in the east and the other value of 200 is defined by the Y axis of the UCS origin.

Point 8The starting point is located in the UCS.
In order to draw a line between points 7 and 8 should be typing in the Command Prompt line 100, 200
The first value 100 is defined as the origin of the UCS X axis in the east and the other value of 200 is defined by the Y axis of the UCS origin.

Point 9The starting point is located in the UCS.
In order to draw a line between points 8 and 9 should be typing in the Command Prompt line 100,100
The first value 100 is defined as the origin of the UCS X axis in the east and the other value of 100 is defined by the Y axis of the UCS origin.

So the commands in the Command Prompt line look like this

Command: _line
Specify first point: 100, 100 + Enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: 200.100 + Enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: 200.200 + Enter
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 180, 200 + Enter
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 180, 120 + Enter
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 120, 120 + Enter
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 120, 200 + Enter
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 100, 200 + Enter
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: 100, 100 + Enter
Press ESC

Another way: Draw a rectangular drawing using RELATIVE COORDINATES

For “Set Current” layer I put a thick yellow line. (Note: Never paint in yellow, if you print – plotati on white paper. I’m only working examples and clear).
NOTE: When drawing with a relative coordinates starting point, it is far from the last point where we are on the coordinate system. Again true direction East and the first write and then coordinate X coordinate Y
Given that we draw in the relative coordinate system of coordinates in front of the Command Prompt line we entered the @ character (et) [@x,y]

Point 1
The starting point is the UCS.
The first point of the line we will with absolute coordinates (only first!)
The first step to draw the click of a button on the toolbar LINE DRAW (or Draw => Line)
The first item on the desktop we will place the command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y). 
So, type 100,100 Thus, we define the first point of the drawing.

Point 2
The starting point is the point 1
Other items on the desktop, we will place the command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y using relative coordinate system). So type @100,0 Thus, we define another point line.


Point 3
The starting point is in point 2
The third point on the desktop, we will place the command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y using relative coordinate system). So type @0,100 Thus, we define the second point line.

Point 4
The starting point is in point 3
The fourth point on the desktop we will place the command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y using relative coordinate system). So type @-20,0
Thus, we define another point line.

I will explain this command (@-20,0). Given that we find in point 3, according to her, and we look to the coordinate system. We said that we are working with relative coordinates, and that is our starting point where we are. So we write the coordinates of the following lines to the global coordinate system with departing from the point where we are. Again, the direction East by X axis. Therefore we need to get to the point that will be located on the left (towards West) from the starting point in quadrant II or III. (This is why I drew a small coordinate system at each point). So the value of -20 in the X axis minus the value of the starting point of 20 units. Y axis is equal to 0 because we shrank neither up nor down from the starting point, but at the same level.


Point 5
The starting point is in point 4
The fifth item on the desktop we will place the command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y axis using a relative coordinate system). So type @0,-80
Thus, we define another point line.

I will explain this command (@0,-80). Given that we are at point 4, according to her, and we look to the coordinate system. We said that we are working with relative coordinates, and that is our starting point where we are. So we write the coordinates of the following lines to the global coordinate system with departing from the point where we are. Again, the direction East by X axis. Therefore we need to get to the point that will be located below (South direction) of the starting points in quadrant III or IV. (This is why I drew a small coordinate system at each point). So the value of -80 in the Y axis minus the value of the starting point of 80 units. X axis is equal to 0 because we shrank neither left nor right from the starting point.

Point 6
The starting point is in paragraph 5
The sixth point on the desktop, we will place the command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y axis using a relative coordinate system). So type @-60,0
Thus, we define another point line.

I will explain this command (@-60,0). Given that we are at point 5, to her, and we look to the coordinate system. We said that we are working with relative coordinates, and that is our starting point where we are. So we write the coordinates of the following lines to the global coordinate system with departing from the point where we are. Again, the direction East by X axis. Therefore we need to get to the point that will be located on the left (towards West) from the starting point in quadrant II or III. (This is why I drew a small coordinate system at each point). So the value of -60 in the X axis minus the value of the starting point of 60 units. Y axis is equal to 0 because we shrank neither up nor down from the starting point, but at the same level.

Point 7The starting point is in point 6
The seventh item on the desktop we will command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y using relative coordinate system). So type @0,80 Thus, we define a seventh point drawings.

Point 8The starting point is in point 7
The eighth spot on the desktop we will command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y axis using a relative coordinate system). So type @-20,0 Thus, we define the eighth spot drawings.

Point 9
The starting point is in point 8
The eighth spot on the desktop we will command in the Command Line prompt (the system X, Y using relative coordinate system). So type @0,-100 
Thus, we define the eighth spot drawings.

So source code for this drawing looks like this

Command: _line Specify first point: 100,100
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 100,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 0,100
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ -20,0
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 0,-80
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ -60,0
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 0,80
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ -20,0
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 0,-100
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: ESC

The third way: Draw a drawing using polar RELATIVE COORDINATES

This drawing you can draw with the other 2D coordinate systems, for example: using POLAR relative coordinate system using the dimensions and angles. But for that you need to know the coordinate system.
Corners, or you can write to + or –

Command: _line Specify first point: 100,100 (absolute coordinate system)
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 100 <0
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 100 <90 (@ 100 < -270)
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 20 <180 (@ 20 <-180)
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 80 <270 (@ 80 <-90)
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 60 <180 (@ 60 <-180)
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 80 <90 (@ 80 < -270)
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 20 <180 (@ 20 <-180)
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: @ 100 <270 (@ 100 <-90)
Specify next point or [Close / Undo]: ESC

The fourth way: Draw a drawing with the mouse

Of course, this drawing you can draw using the mouse. Turn ORTHO mode OSNAP mod, mod GRID and SNAP mode set at the 10th. Click the Line button and then follow the network install point and end point on the network.



Rotating the Drawing MODEL – ucsfollow

There is the possibility of rotating the other way when plotting drawings. This method of rotating images in Layout Model when plotting is often used in geodesy at plotting KCBR (particles) that copies of the cadastral plan, if the particles are bigger in size than A4 paper and can not fit into the framework of Model Layout. (eg, a plan was drawn at a scale of 1:2000 and we have plot on A4 paper, and “Plot scale” scale 1:1, in fact, we print it on paper dimensions are in scale 1:2000)

That they would not plot on tracing paper A3 sometimes it is enough to rotate a drawing that plan and the rotation of the entire plan, a particle can be placed within the model.

When rotating the drawing in Layout Model / Paper should bear in mind that the drawing in our real model does not rotate, no matter what we rotate conducted within the Layout-Model.

For example, I will show it has already seen the drawings. Note that we have a compass direction, an arrow pointing NORTH

viewports -  Autocad


NOTE: The box model in the layout we want to draw, it need not be square, it can be a multi-angle frame in the form of letters “L” or the like. Then the box set with the command View => Viewports => Polygonal Viewport => and left us to draw the desired shape of the frame to be used to import our drawing.

polygonal viewports Autocad


After placing the components or some of the important elements in the Layout – PAPER draw frame layout – MODEL and after drawing box auto importer we are drawing.

Let’s start the rotation of the drawing. Preparation we have done, we are in the layout => model (see illustration above)
We want to accommodate both the box drawn round of drawings. Given the current situation it is impossible, because we limit the model framework. So we have to rotate a drawing for some 20-30 degrees to the left (that would be our little circle was left in the entire visible and a large circle on the right side of the entire visible and moved up)

1. In the command prompt, type the command line and press Enter UCSFOLLOW

2. Then type the number “1 ” if the value is not set in principle if command used for the first time since opening AutoCAD then the value of “0”, press Enter

3. Now click on the Z-Axis

UCS - Z axis


4. After clicking on the respective button type the number of degrees to rotate the drawing. (Eg, -25 or 25, depending on how you want) I’m enrolled in this case, -25 to my drawing rotate from right to left (counter clockwise).

5. After pressing the Enter key to rotate the drawing and downplayed. Rotate about an axis to effect a “Z”. For you there is only the menu Viewports set 1:1 scale, or turning the wheel set in a drawing frame (if the scale does not matter)

Command: UCSFOLLOW [command]
Enter new value for UCSFOLLOW <0>: 1 [set the value of orders]
Command: _ucs
Current UCS name: * WORLD * [name of the current UCS-a]
Specify origin of UCS or [Face / named / Object / Previous / View / World / X / Y / Z / Zaxis] [here we can choose a new UCS, of course, we clicked the button Z]
<World>: _Z [this appears after clicking on the button Zaxis]
Specify rotation angle about Z axis <90>: -25 [registration number of degrees to rotate the drawings]
Regenerating the model.

And finally we have our drawing that is rotated to -25 degrees and the compass direction to rotate the North. If you switch to the actual MODEL drawings we will notice that the drawing is rotated and the compass.

ucsfollow” src=”https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/HA-gVqX-WhDdDJRy2PT1-b7UfYkre0U19TU01-JuZHj2F6dVHxkDiCwyJ3JEHtxWHHYpw-bepKa_z9jYO7MQLuZJbu2tfbW8N8A=s0-d&#8221; alt=”polygonal viewports rotation Autocad” width=”571″ height=”404″ border=”0″ style=”padding: 5px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgb(236, 236, 236); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0980392) 1px 1px 5px;”>

For the direction of rotation and entry levels with the “plus” or “minus ” We value all depends on the position of the coordinate system for all three directions (X, Y, Z), that the UCS’s.

If you look at the plane (the drawing is in plane) containing the coordinates of X and Y, we will notice that there are two directions Z coordinates.
Depending on the direction of X and Y and Z in relation to the plane differently we will be drawing rotated 25 degrees to enter. But if you make a mistake always works UNDO and repeat the action. (Note, after the rotation is always wrong to go back to the initial step before the command UCSFOLLOW).

positive and negative UCS



Rotate drawing in Model

The possibility exists that you sometimes need to be rotated and drawing on the Layout model before actually printing (the component). It may depend on the position of art so you need to rotate the visible part of the drawing to be fully fit in the visible component.

On that occasion should be marked north-south to be visible to the position of art / objects. If you ever have the need to do the rotation when printing drawings follow up to see how it works.

Take, for example, we have a drawing in which we add indicator (compass) north / south. See the picture below.

So drawing is prepared and we need plot of art on paper.
I will describe the procedure of plotting, you have a tutorial on the link PLOT

So we have the LAYOUT mode and in it we have a component


Now that we have prepared is a necessary component to insert it into the box in which we import our drawing. We do this via the menu View => = Viewports> 1 Viewport


After selecting a command stretched rectangle in the internal components, so we have this situation with the imported drawing added to the framework.


Our goal is to increase the part of the drawing the curved stairs to change his position that is rotated drawing for a 90 ° angle (or as desired)

Drawing enlarge it so that the switch from Layout mode PAPER MODEL in a time we will be inside the box (pictured blue color) bold and now we can zoom in and move the drawing. For more details about the PAPER / MODEL see link Components.


Now, let’s join the rotation of drawings by 90 ° to keep us could see the whole staircase.

Command: UCS [+ ENTER]

Current UCS name: * NO NAME *
Specify origin of UCS or [Face / named / Object / Previous / View / World / X / Y / Z / Zaxis]
<World>: OB [+ ENTER]

Select object to align UCS: [here now need to be selected line by which to determine the rotation. Let’s select the line showing the north, double click on it, first click on the full line and the second one of the ends of lines that enter bridle +]
Command: PLAN [+ ENTER + ENTER]

Enter an option [Current UCS / Ucs / World] <Current>:
Regenerating the model.
Command: ‘_textscr

Now we have this situation. Rotate the drawing. It only remains for us to increase the specific measure (or to taste)



What did we get this rotating action can be seen from the attached.
Take for example that you do so you need to land surveying plot copy of cadastral plan of a particle that you want plot can not fit in a given scale on A4 paper. If it is rotated and then you get a situation which can ploting drawings.

The above example is 90 °, because I accidentally chose drawing as it is. In further examples, see how to rotate a desired direction at an angle.

The working principle is the same except that we can provide additional lines at angles that draw the same and later delete.

Additional lines we draw in Layout mode model, the desired angle, and when we come to the part where we need to select the object (see the commands in the above code: Select object to align UCS) these lines will be selected by which to determine the direction of rotation. Here we take into account that part of the line be selected (left or right, here I click on the clip by clicking on the second) because it will depend on the final result of the rotation. In the picture below you see a line that we selected is an auxiliary for the determination of rotation. It will eventually be deleted.


The line that we have temporarily added and selected when entering commands. The pictureyou see where to click when selectingthatsecond click


The result after the action (in this case Iselected a left side of the line). So stop with the initial drawings, we see that the drawingrotateapproximately 30 degrees to the originalposition)


In the case of selecting the RIGHT grips (right part of the auxiliary lines) are drawing to rotate almost 210 ° degrees to the original position that is drawing in relation to the secondary line.

To better understand this position, see arrows North in the initial drawing and then after selection on the left or right.

To understand this fully, a little exercise with some drawing on which you have designated lines and edges (here the coordinate grows and you need to know). Only long-term exercise routine and you will get to know how and in what direction to draw an auxiliary line to rotate images in a desired direction and also for a number of degrees. To understand, you can be any line in the drawing iskorititi to rotate the drawing. You do not need to draw extra. However watch out for lines that are connected to Polyline or block, etc. (especially lines that are crooked or curved)

Finally, wipe the auxiliary line and go to the Layout – PAPER plot mode and drawing.



PLOT – Printing in AutoCAD 2007

As you know every program (well, almost every good 😉 may have a function (command) to print your work.

In AutoCAD to print called PLOT. So when you finish drawing you can print to the printer (plotters) or a virtual printer in the form of formats (JPG, PNG, etc..). Plotting of drawings (drafting) is carried out through a previously prepared CTB file with adjusted line thicknesses and colors.

Preparations for the PLOT-strengthening drawings are as follows:

– Made a drawing
– Installed the printer (plotter) or virtual printer

Finished drawing (or part of the drawing) can PLOT in several ways.

– from MODEL (selected view)
– from LAYOUT (selected view)

In as much plot (print) a drawing that requires you to have MOVERS in two ways.
For details, see the link component.

If you’re drawing after plotting (printing) is not in color and have a plotter (printer), color settings, see the Layer for plotting. The respective settings you can adjust the thickness of the lines on the printed drawing. So look at the Plot Style Manager to customize settings for your plotter. For more details see the link line thickness for plotting in color

For the very initial print shop drawings on A4 or A3 paper or some other format securities with requirements that are listed at the beginning should be positioned in the Model or Layout (whichever you want to print)
After positioning in one of these modes it is necessary to run the command File => Page Setup Manager and in accordance with the positioning we have one of the following dialog window. The first mode is a MODEL and the second mode Layout1.
It is necessary to click the Modify button




After clicking on the Modify button .. appears you are one of the dialog window
For MODEL LAYOUT and apply the following settings need


Definition CTB file was previously installed files from the default thickness of lines and other elements in the drawing that is on paper. (this is much used in surveying). Note the other settings that are essential for the preparation poltanja on paper.
Also note that you can center the drawing when plotting and that it can move the paper axis X and Y. After installation settings, click on the PREVIEW button to see how it will look like on paper. Then click the right mouse button => Exit => OK => Close.

Now you have set the settings for printing drawings.

Printing or plotting from the mode MODEL

Take for example that we have such a figure as the figure below (the regime of a model and view the Conceptual Visual Style. isplotati and we want only part of the drawing (for example, the left tower).


We are located in operation MODEL. Previously, we set the position paper, etc. .. Now click on a command FILE => PLOT and then in the “Plot Area” select from drop-down menu “Window”. Now we are in the foreground appeared a drawing cursor is a white cross. Select part of the drawing.


After clicking on the final selective area appears to us to Plot dialog window – Setup. Click on the PREVIEW button and you will get the appearance of drawings on paper that you have selected from.

Simply click the DTM (right-click) on the drawing and the command PLOT. Print will be drawing on paper what you see in the Preview view. Note that this procedure in the operation MODEL.

So when you have some great drawing and you want to print only part of the drawing (ZOOM art depends what you want), then you can use this way of plotting the mode MODEL (often used in geodesy without LISP’s). Here is an irrelevant criterion.

Printing or plotting from the mode LAYOUT

If you want to print out mode LAYOUT also have two options.

The first option is:

Switch mode LAYOUT (1 or 2, etc..)
After that immediately comes up a dialog box for the PLOT-SETUP. Settings that you want to set a setting for “Plot Area” set in Layout. When you click the Preview button will show you a blank paper, but after closing the same returns as well as the layout and you will see your drawing on paper.

Here, note that you layer the “Set Current” (currently active), ie its color. The same color will be the box art (MODEL), where you can change the zoom, position, etc. .. drawings.

So if the status toolbar, click the button PAPER MODEL or modify the activity so you will be able to manipulate the drawing.


When you are active then you can zoom PAPER complete paper with all the boxes, and possibly additional elements that have attributes (if any beyond the drawing. eg: if you have a LISP that contains some kind of elements or components, eg: template cadastral plan in geodesy) .

When you are active MODEL then you can manipulate images within a frame containing the pattern (ie. zoom, rotate, etc. ..)

Another possibility is:

If you are not satisfied with the first possibility then you can set PAPER several views of the drawing (Viewports). To have for example: this print drawings. Note that the complete layout is shown in operation MODEL and the current active model (a separate box art) is a vertical thick lines thicker frame.



AutoCAD – export images in JPG image

You create a drawing in AutoCAD and want to send him a friend but as a JPG or PNG file or inserted into Word or Excel document.

Follow the steps how it works:

1. This is our drawing.

2. On the Text menu, click File => Plot (or CTRL + P)

3. Then select the Printer / plotter “PublishToWebJPG.pc3” or PNG option.
Enable “Center the Plot”
Later we will select the paper size.
If you have no choice “PublishToWebJPG.pc3” then go to Tools => Options => Plot and Publish => and uncheck “Hide system printers”

4. After selecting the options you will get this window (or similar)
Choose the top option for a small picture (or if you want higher resolution, then select the options below)

5. Now let’s choose the size (resolution) if desired.
I have chosen as the photo to fit me the paper word document

6. Check the “Center thr Plot” and click the OK button.
Now we have a JPG image as the below (which is inserted into Word or send as attach e-mail)

Unpack the ZIP file and run it. In this video you can see how you can copy a component drawn from a model in LAYOUT and also how to add viewports, as well as the transition to a layout in the fashion MODELS IN PAPER and vice versa.


NOTE! The Autocad drawing sizes in reality (the true value of length) and the drawing is printed at the scale of print.
I have long prepared for this part of the web AutoCAD tutorials and wondered how to explain the concept of beginner CRITERIA and work with the same in AutoCAD. I went through a lot of internet and reviewed some literature to explain but everyone in their own way and quite differently. In principle, even with some explanations (for the brevity of the text) it was difficult to explain how it works the way explained.

So I will try to find of all seen what the most affordable beginner (as I see the scale in AutoCAD). If you pass this web Autocad tutorial from the beginning of a link by link I hope that you will not be difficult to understand (but if not then I do not know 😉

Firstly in the beginning of this web Autocad tutorials I mentioned that before the drawing is necessary to set up – set up certain units (units)

It is enough to start drawing. Furthermore, when drawing a draw with the value of units. So if you draw in millimeters then they will also be 1 mm in drawing 1 unit, 1 cm will be 1 unit or 1 m will be 1 unit. And while plotting to set up a measure that would stop you drawing on paper.

Add specific criteria in the drop-down menu work with the command SCALELISTEDIT Proimpt the Command Line.


You can also use the toolbar (toolbar) viewports (pictured above) in dealing with LAYOUT-om the MODELSPACE then via a drop-down menu to choose the criteria for the best view on the paper when printing on the printer (plotter)


Displaying art in drawing, we can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel (PAN) and the scale when working in Model-in (MODELSPACE) can be adjusted via certain commands in the Command Prompt Line. But again it all depends on the settings. If you draw in millimeters and the ratio was 1 unit of 1 mm, then these commands below apply, but if you draw in meters of the actual size of this value will then be rolled underneath.

In Mechanical Engineering are most often used the following criteria:
impairment => 1:2.5, 1:5, 1:10, etc. .. (1 unit = 1 mm)
for to enlarge => 2:1, 5:1, 10:1, etc. .. (1 unit = 1 mm)
In construction are most often used the following criteria: 1:500, 1:100, 1:50 etc.. (1 unit = 1 cm)
In geodesy are commonly used following scale: 1:1000, 1:1400, 1: 2000, 1:2500, 1:5000 (1 unit = 1 m)

For example, I will show this drawing below. The first picture is the view of the drawing of 1:1. But if the Command Prompt Type the following command line

Command: Z [zoom ]
Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or
[All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] <real time>: 1/1xp


If now again in the Command Line Prompt type this command

Command: Z [zoom ]
Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or
[All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] <real time>: 1/2xp


If you are now entering the first command again, the drawing will be increased. This method of magnification (zoom) is used in geodesy (and given that I have knowledge in other fields, here I will show the scale of Geodesy, remember that the units for surveying meters)

So when PLOT drawing in geodesy have some sort of file on which the drawing is a cadastral district and if you want a chance you ploting in operation LAYOUT => MODELSPACE shifted Occasionally wheel (zoom) Drawing using these commands, you can return to a scale that you need.

1:500 => 2/1xp
1:1000 => 1/1xp
1:2000 => 1/2xp
1:5000 => 1/5xp

Unlike the above you still have options and I will here give only examples of the scale and you use them where you need it.

1:250 => 4/1xp
1:750 => 3/2xp
1:1500 => 2/3xp
1:2500 => 2/5xp

As a decimal number in such a way that is, determining the zoom scale does not apply here is an example of how to determine scale.

1:2,5 => 10/25xp (ie. move comma and the relationship we have figures for scale)

If you use the Viewports toolbar and then it can eg write 1:5 => 0.2

The text above the little I have explained how it can scale to look at drawing in Model-in.

Paper size:
– A0 => 841 x 1189 mm
– A1 => 594 x 841 mm
– A2 => 420 x 594 mm
– A3 => 297 x 420 mm
– A4 => 210 x 297 mm



Here are the reasons why it is important to determine the measure before printing.
Take for example that we should draw some object width of 10 mm and height 15 mm. Given that the case we run it we need to increase the paper when printing on A4 (210×297) and thereby use the component. Component of our standard and its useful area is the horizontal (width) 184 mm and vertically (“height”) 285 mm (if you work hard component as the previous link above. (you must take into account if a component has a table at the bottom of it and it included into useful space, ie. reject) what I in this example because I never had the need for the size of the drawing.


First, we define a measure for the width (see formula for the measure above). Useful space the width is 184 mm, and our drawing is in reality a wide 10 mm

Then we define a measure for the “height”. A useful space under the “height” is 285 mm, and our drawing is in reality a height of 15 mm

So we got these two results (scale) that can be used. Of course we will take what scale that is smaller (to fit the width of the drawing). Here we should note that we take a scale that has a whole number and not decimal. So the next smaller scale of 18.4 => 10’s

In this case our measure looks like 10:1, and when printed on paper drawing will be increased 10 times.

So the layout of the switch in MODELSPACE mode with pull-down menus to select the scale.






One of the important elements of the drawing is finished components.
There are several types of components (workshops, assembly, etc. ..)
Header in the technical drawing:
– Contains information on what is presented to the drawings, which is required to produce parts and save future drawings
– property rights: the name of the (assembly), scale, material production, the number of positions, number of pieces of data on the preparation of drawings, drawing number, name of owner drawing, name and surname of the maker of drawings, the date of manufacture.

Technical component (switching) drawing:
– except the header has a component which goes to the header and there are as many lines as part of the
– contains the following information for each part in the (position): the number of positions, the section name, number of pieces of material, etc.

Component can draw in MODEL-in, the layout (paper) [also here I would note that there are mod LAYOUT MODEL / PAPER that you see in the status bar] and can be captured as a BLOCK and then later Insert in our drawing before plotting.

To distinguish what is to model such a layout (paper) [also want to note here that the mod has LAYOUT MODEL / PAPER that you see in the status bar] I’ll say this layperson. MODEL workspace is a drawing of a drawing a layout space for printing (PLOT) drawings that look at it before printing.
In Layout view (Layout1 and Layout2) can insert framework for a model in which we can move or rotate a drawing in 3D.
When you are in Layout-in then we can transfer using functional buttons in the status bar mod MODEL / PAPER on the same terms and have a look what the plot (print) and the possibility of moving images in the model (called viewports). To be clear, we can draw a direct component of the layout of the viewports using only insert a framework for the model that contains a drawing. I hope I’m not complicated and you’ll understand by studying this web tutorials.

For this component is necessary to initiate and define area of AutoCAD drawings (not must) because we can only define the dimensions of the components and if you know them. For example, I will draw a component for printing on A4 size paper.

After starting the work space for drawing the external dimension is drawn’ll frame (which will not be seen after printing on paper because it borders on the paper size and then inside the box in which I add a component for the data.

It looks like as shown (Never use yellow to draw, because when printed on paper will not be seen, I have used yellow for better viewing)

Spaces within the Component are as follows:
The inner frame on the left side is 20 units (mm) from the edge and the other three sides of 6 units (mm) from the outer edge of the box.

Component in terms LAYOUT looks like. In this framework Viewports-model drawing can be moved, rotated, etc.

If we want to draw a component directly in the layout and then we’ll always have prepared for the PLOT-strengthening on a paper because you are always in one example, we can modify the drawings.
When it works normally. eg: create a component in terms of LAYOUT and insert framework for the model so it can add a drawing. Record it as a TEMPLATE (template) *. dwt file and still have the template ready for the drawing component drawing.


Component can create a block and record it as such, even after use by simply inserting cash component in the Layout.


1. Open AutoCAD and create a drawing
2. Switch to Layout1 or LAYOUT2
3. File => Page Setup Manager
4. MODIFY Layout1 Layout2 or (depending where you are)
5. Set the Printer-name, Scale – 1:1, Portrait, Plot area – Layout and click OK => Close
6. I still have to respect LAYOUT 1 or 2 (for which you selected)
7. Note that in the group have a name for the layer and component layer as you create a Block. I always used the red color component for a layer is called component. Why? When insert block components of AutoCAD will search the name of the layer and if there is concerned the name and colors on the component you insertirali the paint color. Also note that if you have a layer called irrelevant INSERT-layer with black paint because you hide it later.
8. Set the Layer called INSERT-LAYER to be active (Set Current)
9. Switch function button Osnap (that you appear tombstones)
10. Click on the View menu, Text => = Viewports> 1 Viewport
11. With sights Aim upper left corner of the inner frame endpoint, click the left mouse button and then drag diagonally in the other corner of the components and Aim endpoint and click.
12. Now you can appear within the model in your drawing to him (at this point you have an active layer-Layer Insert).
13. Please note that your function button is active MODEL / PAPER on the status toolbar. If PAPER then you can just zoom in on a complete drawing with component and possibly modify attributes if any. If you click on the button PAPER he will transform the Model button and now you see that you are bold frame model and click on the zoom box now can only acquire only drawing that you draw, rotate it, and the like.
14. When you’re all set off as the Insert Layer-Layer (which was set to Set Current). So click on the Layer drop-down menu and click on the bulb or Freeze)
15. Now you are missing a black box model, because you need it and your drawing is ready for the PLOT (print)

PLOT PREVIEW looks on paper

If you want to add two box model – Viewports
Simply place a select View => Viewports => New Viewport and you will get this window

Now you can in two frames set up two different views of the drawing.

Or maybe you want 4 box model. Here I left switched Layer called INSERT-LAYER to get you noticed boxes for each model. So when you have multiple boxes and want in every frame individually drawings show a different view Switch function button MODEL / PAPER MODEL in the state, and click the respective box. Now you can choose to rotate the knob ORBIT drawing, zooming, or Top, Right, etc. ..



3D coordinates – Polar Spheroidal relative coordinates in AutoCAD


Spheroidal polar coordinates relative to the 3D drawing based on the point at which we are currently defining a distance under angle1 in XY plane from the initial direction of a angle2 is perpendicular to the plane XY. 
Command is entered on the form @distance<angle1<angle2 behind the command line you want to draw. 

Given that here we do not have X and Y coordinates, we have a standard starting direction EAST so we take care of it when working with these coordinates. (See coordinate system). The command is similar to the spheroid-Absolute coordinates with the difference that when you type the command coordinates put the @ sign and the starting point is our current point where we are. 

Look at the picture above. To draw a starting point of a line in 3D space using spherical polar coordinates relative it is necessary to specify the command as follows. 

– Click on the Isometric button to switch to 3D view (toolbar View) 
– To set point T2 is necessary: to position itself at the point T1 and then click on the button LINE 
– Type @6<40<23 + Enter time point T2 positioned in 3D space by elements of orders that we have set. So 6 is our distance from the starting point T1, angle1 under which we started – East direction is 40° and angle2 is vertical and is 23°. 

What did we do? 
We were at the point T1. Using spherical polar coordinates are defined relative to our distance from the T2 to be 6 units at an angle 40° from the axis X towards the East a diagonal perpendicular to the height angle2 23°. 

So the sequence of commands as follows: 

We are located at the point T1 
Command: _line [LINE button click to draw lines, note that the starting point from T1] 
Specify first point: @6<40<23 [set point T2 – the distance between T1 and T2 = 6, angle1 = 40°, angle2 = 23°]